OPINION: Education Minister Heng Swee Keat blames students to cover up a flawed education system

TR Emeritus, 16 Sep 2012
Education minister Heng Swee Keat has come out openly to say that a lack of drive in Singaporean students is worrying. Singapore’s education system is built to create workers not business starters. Thus students when at the end of the education are often lost in what they can do for a living. Our education system do not identify each student skill and talent very early on in their schooling life.
It is rather ironic that he mentions that that a lack of drive in Singaporean students is worrying when the problem itself is caused by his own govt policies.The conformist, assessment and grade driven education system here sucks. Even when you graduate here, if you hold a pink IC and Singapore passport, you are discriminated as it has become common knowledge that employers in the private sector know about the draconian education system here in Singapore , hence they prefer foreign talents. Full story