Netizens react strongly to Government paper on immigration, 25 Apr 2012
Singapore will need to introduce 20,000 to 25,000 new citizens annually in order to maintain its citizen population, according to the National Talent and Population Division (NTPD).
Online commentators mostly gave negative views on the report.
A netizen who goes by the online moniker “Ah Pek Lee” highlighted his concerns on Facebook.
He wrote: “If there are (25,000) new citizens and the native Singaporeans shrink every year due to deaths and migrating out, how many years will it take for native Singaporeans to become a minority?”
Sonny Pereira, another netizen, said: “This country would never have any problems procreating and turning this country into an ants’ nest. It is about the hardship of bringing up a child in this society where everything is expensive, and competition in education. To have children is easy, to maintain them, now, that is a totally different question altogether.” Full story