The Washington Post
Facebook’s use of software that enables it to track users’ online activity after they log off of the social-networking site came under scrutiny in Washington this week, with lawmakers and consumer advocacy groups demanding a federal investigation.
In a letter to the Federal Trade Commission Reps. Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) and Joe Barton (R-Tex.) wrote that Facebook’s use of “cookie” software should be investigated under the “unfair and deceptive acts” clause of the agency’s mandate. Full story
Facebook can track you even after logout - GMA News Online
Facebook tracks you online even after you log out - ZDNet
Facebook Logout Tracking: Privacy Concerns Arise Over Alleged Cookie Snooping - The Huffington Post
'We didn't mean to track you' says Facebook as social network giant admits to 'bugs' in new privacy row -
Facebook under pressure over privacy: source -