GIC invests in commodities giant Glencore

The Malaysian Insider, 24 Dec 2009
LONDON, Dec 24 — Glencore, the secretive Swiss commodities trader, took a step towards a public listing valuing it at more than US$35 billion (RM120.26 billion), as investors bought bonds that could give them a near 6 per cent stake.
Capping months of rumours, Glencore said yesterday that it had sold convertible bonds to a group of investors, including energy-focused private equity firm First Reserve.
Other buyers include Singaporean sovereign wealth fund Government of Singapore Investment Corporation (GIC), United States fund manager BlackRock and Zijin Mining Group, China’s largest listed gold company.
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Glencore bond issue clears way for £21bn London float - The Independent
Glencore IPO closer after £2bn fund-raising -
$2.2 Billion Worth of Convertible Bonds Sold by Glencore - TopNews United States
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Glencore’s top staff could net $250m each after hint of IPO - Times Online