PRC netizens used Lee Kuan Yew’s words to attack Singaporeans

Temasek Review Emeritus, 30 Jul 2011
In most countries, political leaders are expected to protect their own people and fight for their interests, but not so in Singapore where Singaporeans are often humiliated publicly by PAP leaders.
PRC “talent” Wang Peng Fei peeved off the entire nation by uploading a video clip hurling insults at Singaporeans. To add salt to the injury, PRC netizens are using the words of PAP supreme leader Lee Kuan Yew to hit back at Singaporean Chinese.
In a comment posted on Wang’s blog, a PRC citizen recalled the words of Lee in his memoirs:
“李光耀語錄都記錄說,”怎麼說我們都不過只是福建、廣東等地目不識丁、沒有田地的農民的後裔,他們有的卻儘是留守中原的達官顯要、文人學士的後代。”就連國家領袖這可以放棄自負,接受現實.新加坡人中那些華文水準差,幾話就只會罵娘撲街的華人缺不敢承認現實.這種自卑的心理,簡直是世界華人的笑柄.” Full story