Singapore cautious after WikiLeaks cables

Herald Sun, 10 Jan 2011
SINGAPORE'S diplomats will "inevitably" be more guarded in exchanges with US counterparts following the disclosure of confidential cables by WikiLeaks, Foreign Minister George Yeo said.
Mr Yeo said in parliament that the revelations by the whistle-blower website had been "disastrous" for US diplomacy.
Singaporean leaders were left red-faced after documents released by WikiLeaks last December detailed the city-state's top diplomats bad-mouthing regional neighbours to US diplomats in private exchanges. Full story

Singapore: WikiLeaks 'Disastrous' For US Diplomacy - NPR
Singapore says it will be more cautious with US after WikiLeaks - Monsters and Critics
Singapore to be more guarded when talking with U.S. after WikiLeaks - Malaysia Sun