Mainland Chinese medicinal product found to have exceeded Singapore's lead limit

7thSpace Interactive, 5 May 2010
Hong Kong (HKSAR) - The Department of Health (DH) today (May 5) draws public attention that a Chinese medicinal product named Zhongya Brand Tzepao Sanpien Pills with batch number "551001" has been found by the Singaporean authority to have excessive lead. The foreign alert came to light after DH, through its surveillance work, learnt that its Singaporean counterpart announced a recall last evening, as Zhongya Brand Tzepao Sanpien Pills with batch number "551001" and expiry date "10/2012" was found to have lead level which exceeded Singapore's permissible limit for proprietary Chinese medicines. The product was manufactured by Yantai Zhongya Pharmaceutical Co Ltd of the Mainland. Full Story

HAS finds excessive lead levels in Chinese Proprietary Medicine - TopNews Arab Emirates