Interesting prospects ahead for the opposition

The Kent Ridge Common, 29 Apr 2009, Kelvin Teo
"Economics expertise aside, Kenneth is also tech-savvy in the sense that he understands the usefulness of an online media platform in supplanting his campaign. As a contributor to a prominent citizen journalist platform such The Online Citizen, he has articulated on certain changes that he has enivisioned such as 1) A minimum wage for old and young workers to prevent companies from importing cheap labor from other countries 2) Higher tax credits for lower income households 3) A reduction or suspension of GST that affects the lower income groups 4) Reduction in fee services and charges (school fees for instance) 5) Reductions in employee CPF 6) Massive investment in education and infrastructure (developing green technologies for instance).
It appears that Kenneth has not shown all the cards in his sleeve as yet, and what he has articulated on TheOnlineCitizen is a mere harbinger for things to come."
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