Changes today comes unbidden

The Star Online, 27 Dec 2008, Seah Chiang Nee

Twenty-five years ago,when the government had a stronger hold, the day unfolded according to plan. Today’s news headlines reflect its vastly changing citizenry.

ONCE tearfully boring, Singapore is fast becoming a vibrant world city, but I am not sure whether the excitement is the sort that the people truly want.

By nature, Singaporeans are largely predictable, compliant and un-enterprising, preferring to follow set rules rather than initiate new things.

They like things safe and tested. They are not called kiasu (afraid to lose) for nothing.

The new Singapore is exciting and progressive, of course.

But some are finding the vibrancy – which has helped to make it the richest state in South-East Asia – a bit too fast for their social good.

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