Singapore memorial tours and ceremonies

e-Travel Blackboard
4th Feb 2008

A memorial ceremony will be held at the Civilian War Memorial, Singapore at 9am on 15 February 2008 to mark the 66th anniversary of the Fall of Singapore.

Located to the east of Padang, the war memorial is commemorative of the thousands who perished or were injured during the Japanese occupation of WWII, including 15 000 Australians.

“This annual service is a key memorial event,” said Kevin Leong, Regional Director Oceania, Singapore Tourism Board. “It is an emotionally charged occasion, not only for Singapore, but for our allies as well, providing an opportunity for locals and visitors to honour the soldiers and civilians who fought, suffered and died during the war.”

Many historic monuments and sites of WWII have been preserved for tourist purposes, including the Changi Museum and Chapel, Kranji War Memorial and Cemetery, Fort Siloso and Johore Battery.

Walking tours are also available and visitors have a choice between two tours designated to expand knowledge of Australian involvement in the war effort.