VIDEO: Young lady being robbed inside a lift in Holland Road apartment

VIDEO: Lawless In Singapore: Gang clash at Orchard Towers, 16 Jul 2014

VIDEO: Graphic video of charred bodies found among burning debris at MH17 crash site, 17 Jul 2014

VIDEO: Moment of Ground Impact of Malaysian Airline MH17

VIDEO: Unverified Last Video Footage Taken On Flight MH17 Before Shot Down

Singapore PAP government vows to Philippine officials to crush anti-Filipino sentiments in Singapore, 13 Jul 2014
Singaporean officials has assured the Philippines their government is taking steps to address the hate campaign on Filipinos working there.
The assurance was made by the Singapore delegation who participated in Informal Consultations on the Philippines-Singapore Action Plan (PSAP).
During the meeting, the two sides tackled labor cooperation, noting the large number of Filipinos who live and work in Singapore.
Both sides expressed satisfaction with the developments in the overall implementation of the PSAP, including strengthening defense cooperation, which has seen active intelligence and education exchanges between military personnel of the two countries, as well as education cooperation, which has seen hundreds of Filipinos availing themselves of scholarships at Singapore schools, including numerous Philippine civil servants, who have attended programs at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy. Full story

OPINION: PAP Regime Battles New Wave Of Activism In Singapore, 12 Jul 2014
Not too long ago would Singaporeans balk at the idea of standing up for your own rights. Not too long ago did the country share its disdain for then-Singapore Democratic Party leader Chee Soon Juan’s public protest outside the Central Provident Fund building that has photos still immortalised on photo wire agencies like Getty Images.
But, take a look around now. It has become very clear: Singaporeans aren’t willing to stay silent anymore.
Gone are the days when it was popular for anonymous commenters to use pseudonyms to thrash Singapore’s top brass on anti-government watercooler sites like Temasek Review (and its various reincarnations). Today, a simple cursory glance on an article on the National Library Board’s recent decision to pulp two books that were deemed to have contained messages that are against its “pro-family” stance reveals plenty of well-thought-out critique.
And yes, real names and real faces are on them. Full story

Lawless in Singapore: Hooligan blocks public bus with his car in the middle of a road junction at Toa Payoh, 12 Jul 2014

Stomper Kaye said:
"I was at a coffee shop opposite when I saw this man who refused to move his car after cutting into the lane a bus was travelling on at the junction of Toa Payoh Lorong 4, near Block 93.
"If I'm not mistaken, the bus honked at him when he cut into the lane.
"He then stopped his vehicle and got out. He even knocked on the bus driver's window motioning for the driver to get out of the vehicle. Full story

Isetan Wisma Atria store managers allegedly kicked sportswear female promoter out of the store for wearing tudung, 11 Jul 2014
Today, I am appalled, angered, disgusted, devastated. I could go on, but I would rather not. In this month of Ramadan, my younger sister a part-time employee from PUMA was treated in a prejudiced, biased manner just because of the cloth she wears over her head.
She was sent to ISETAN located at Wisma Atria to help mend the PUMA section in the ISETAN outlet due to a lack of manpower. An hour later two ISETAN managers approached another staff at PUMA and conversed in Mandarin while throwing dirty looks at my sister and made hand signals indicating the headscarf she was wearing. She was then approached by the PUMA staff and was informed that she had to leave the premises as she was wearing a headscarf and should not be working there. Full story

Khaw Boon Wan's ill-conceived BTO plan and cooling measures leave many HDB owners in a quandary

Hardwarezone Forum, 3 Jul 2014
IS THERE an oversupply of flats? This was a question raised by Nee Soon GRC Member of Parliament Lee Bee Wah on Monday, after she noticed that many residents in her ward faced problems selling their homes.
In a Facebook post, Ms Lee said residents have approached her at Meet-the-People Sessions, saying that their Build-To-Order (BTO) flats are ready but they are unable to find buyers for their current flats.
"Is this (a) sign of oversupply of flats?" she asked. Full story

Singpaore Science CEO Lim Tit Meng slammed for sexist remarks in an email to female staff

The Online Citizen, 4 Jul 2014
A remark by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Science Centre Singapore (SCS) has been nominated for this year’s sexism award by the Association of Women for Action and Research (Aware).
The award, named The Alamak Award, is the association’s “annual search for the most annoying, face palm, gut wrenching, you-have-got-to-be-kidding-me instance of sexism in Singapore.”
Associate Professor Lim Tit Meng is one of the four nominees this year for his remarks in an email which he had apparently sent out to his staff on International Women’s Day in March.
In a rather awkwardly written letter, Assoc Prof Lim began by saying that some women would say the day is not for them “because they are not ’3-8′”, a reference to the date of 8 March which the International Women’s Day fall under. Full story

LETTER: CPF Board refused to give statement of account to deceased's nominee

Hardwarezone Forum, 7 Jul 2014
My uncle passed away not too long ago, leaving behind my aunty and my two teenage cousins. He had been the sole breadwinner of the household so it hasn't been easy on my aunty who is still in grief and now has to support her two children by herself.
My uncle had named her as the sole nominee to his CPF money prior to his death. This means that upon his demise, his CPF savings now belonged to my aunty. When the money was paid out to her, we had hoped it would help somehow reduce her burden. It turned out that the money paid out was not very significant.
My aunty requested my help to write to CPF Board to ask for my uncle's last statement. I did but the request was rejected by them. They claimed that the statement was confidential information that they could not release. If my aunty wanted this info, she would have to get a court order first. She was very upset. I found out that a court order could cost a few thousand dollars!! Can you believe that? Full story

SBS Transit driver allegedly chased pregnant female passenger off the bus because her pram was not folded

Facebook, 1 Jul 2014

These stupid bus driver of 269 @ AMK interchange really heartless..I m 7mnths pregnant, alone. Carrying a 9months old baby, with a small bag and a light weight pram. The bus driver uncle CHASE ME OUT OF THE BUS just because I NEVER FOLD D PRAM. Full story

Fare increases needed to improve service to commuters, says Lui Tuck Yew - XIN MSN News

Snapshot: Taxi companies employ Filipinos as cab drivers?

Hardwarezone Forum, 3 Jul 2014

Full story

4 Asian cities put Singapore to shame in 2014 livability survey

Singapore Business Review, 1 Jul 2014
We slip down from a consistent 15th.
Since 2006, lifestyle magazine Monocle has published an annual list of livable cities and presented 25 top locations for quality of life, where Singapore has continuously ranked.
The survey assigns ranks in terms of safety/crime, international connectivity, climate, quality of architecture, public transportation, tolerance, environmental issues and access to nature, urban design, business conditions, pro-active policy developments and medical care.
Japan bagged 3 in the top 10 this year, with Tokyo, Kyoto, and Fukuoka ranking 2nd, 9th and 10th respectively, while Hong Kong snatched 13th place. Link

OPINION: Singapore raised Malaysia goods lorry fees to benefit KTM as part of Tanjong Pagar railyway station deal?

The Rakyat Post, 3 Jul 2014
The fortunes of another ailing Malaysian transport giant is likely to soar in coming months – thanks to higher charges being imposed by Singapore on lorries transporting goods into the island-state from Aug 1.
While lorry drivers bemoan the steep hike of the Goods Vehicle Permit (GVP) monthly fee for foreign-registered goods vehicles being raised four-fold – from S$10 (RM25.70) to S$40 (RM102.80) – KTM Bhd stands to gain when transport charges get raised.
While the GVP hike may seem small, Singapore has imposed a double whammy by making it compulsory from Tuesday for Malaysian lorries to use only Euro 5 standard diesel to reduce polluting smoke being spewed on the island’s roads.
When combined, early indications are that transport charges by Malaysian lorries plying the Singapore route could raise fees by as much as 50% in the coming weeks.
Such a development could bode well for KTM and would mark its return to its roots as a mainly cargo service that transported tin ore, rubber and fresh produce from back in the late 1800s to the Singapore port. Full story