The Independent Singapore, 30 May 2014
For the naysayers and soothsayers, the clearest indication that Singapore’ centre of gravity is shifting to the left came when President Tony Tan opened the second session of the country’s 12th Parliament with a rare promise to his people: You will have enough money for your golden years.
Even more unusual was the President’s use of the phrase, “peace of mind,” to describe the intended goal of his government’s social policies, especially for the vulnerable and elderly.
“We will enhance retirement adequacy to give greater assurance and peace of mind to all Singaporeans,’’ Tan said, in trying to allay the biggest fear of many Singaporeans – that their august years will become dreadful ones.
It just shows how far the government has come from a culture that preached a “nothing-is-for-free” philosophy to one that is beginning to display its heart on its sleeve. Full story