Yahoo! News Singapore, 14 Mar 2014
As the haze situation worsens in Singapore, many people have flocked to Facebook and Twitter to express their irritation over the poor air quality, as well as their doubts over whether the official PSI updates are reflecting the haze situation accurately.
“No way is the PSI 40 right now. Can barely see past Sheares Bridge from downtown. #sghaze,” said Twitter user Anna Hamill.
“The PSI is 83 now. How can it be so low when it is so smelly? Burning smell all over the house. #sghaze,” said another Twitter user Serene Ho.
And it looks like some of the skeptics have moved to follow @SGHazeAlert, an account claiming that it’s PM2.5 readings are “accurate”. Full story
NEA's KPI encourages under-reporting of PSI