Lee Kuan Yew wish for quick painless death

The Star Online, 6 Aug 2013
SINGAPORE: Singapore's founding father Lee Kuan Yew, who will turn 90 next month, said in a new book that he feels weaker by the day and wants death "to come as quickly and painlessly as possible."
"Some time back, I had an Advanced Medical Directive (AMD) done which says that if I have to be fed by a tube, and it is unlikely that I would ever be able to recover and walk about, my doctors are to remove the tube and allow me to make a quick exit," he wrote in the book "One Man's View of the World" published Tuesday.
"There is an end to everything and I want mine to come as quickly and painlessly as possible, not with me incapacitated, half in coma in bed and with a tube going into my nostrils and down to my stomach," he wrote. Full story

  1. Singapore's Lee says he wants a quick death - Fox News
  2. Singapore's Lee says he wants quick death - New Straits Times
  3. Lee Kuan Yew yearns for painless end - The Standard