OPINION: First came the Chinese wave, now it is the Indian diaspora - Seah Chiang Nee

The Star Online, 27 Jul 2013
Statistics showed that by 2010 Singapore had given PR to about 110,600 Indian visitors, a prerequisite to becoming citizens. This compared to 237,000 Singaporean Indian citizens.
The new wave of migrant workers has so far brought into Singapore some 400,000 Indians and 800,000-850,000 mainland Chinese.
The welcome mat was brought out since 2006 for talented and semi-skilled Indians in numbers large enough to pose a threat to local job-seekers.
It has since reduced admission but resentment from Singaporeans – including local Indians – remains deep and widespread.
To attract talents, the authorities have done everything possible to make their life pleasant. Thousands of scholarships were handed to Indian students much to the dismay of many local taxpayers.
For example, Starhub, the biggest cable television station now operates nine Hindi channels for them, compared to only four Tamil ones mainly for Singaporean Indians.
Bollywood films have received endorsement from political leaders; state radio features three hours of its dance music a day. A special studio that teaches Bollywood dancing has been opened.
A rising number of India’s wealthy has bought properties along Singapore’s pleasant west coast. In some parks, one can see – not locals kicking football – but Indian kids playing cricket. Full story