Yahoo! Sports Singapore, 27 Jul 2013
MDA released a press release on Friday July 27, announcing their final decision following deliberation of SingNet's filing of an exemption request earlier this month under Paragraph 2.7.1 (a) of the Code of Practice for Market Conduct which asked that StarHub only cross-carry the channel package containing EPL content (Standalone EPL content), instead of cross-carrying channel packages containing EPL content and other non-EPL content as part of an 'EPL Bundle'.
However the ruling also left open the decision to allow the holder of the exclusive rights to the content, SingTel, to set the pricing of the package. SingTel had earlier stated that an enforced cross-carriage ruling will affect the projected revenue from exclusive broadcast and lead to higher pricing.
On Friday, SingTel released the new pricing for its content. The much-anticipated Standalone EPL package is available for S$59.90 on both mioTV and StarHub. A similar Sports Pack from mioTV which included EPL content was available for just S$34.90 last year. Full story