Shane Todd's family reveals full evidence online to seek justice out of Singapore courtroom, 5 Jun 2013
MARION - A Marion family, who recently dropped their inquest request into the suspicious circumstances surrounding their son's death in Singapore, is now seeking justice for him outside the court room.
Tainted evidence, false testimonies, and a corrupt prosecution, they're all things Mary and Rick Todd say led to them walking out of a Singapore courtroom during the inquiry into their son's death. "It was a kangaroo court, it was a sham, it was a joke," said Mary, Shane's Mom.
This week, they put a public document online full of evidence suggesting Shane's murder. Their hope is that it will go viral.
"This document backs up every single thing we've said and every single contention we've made with facts. I'd like to get it out there. We hope that our country does that right thing, but I'm going to go on and live a good life. We can't do any more-we're just one family against 3 countries. We've received a lot of help from Senator Baucus and Tester's office, and Congressman Wolfe. We hope that continues." said Mary Todd. Full story

Dr Todd’s father gives the family side of the story - TR Emeritus