My Singapore News, 9 Jun 2013
Singapore is in a process of deNationalisation. We have gone through a 40 year process of nation building when the people were talked and educated about nationhood, about being Singaporean, about defending the country, about us as a new people of a new nation. We were progressing quite well and could be a nation today, when the citizens are proud of what and who we are, that we are a successful and rich nation with our own people, our distinct culture and way of life.
Did we fail in this process and a new philosopher has taken the people along a new ideology of no nation, no nationals, but just an economic organisation where anyone with some merits or ability is welcomed to reside in the island? Our citizenship is given away freely, our national identity prostituted and bastardised by new residents and ever changing and evolving. Our national identity is in a constant state of flux, and we do not know where we are going or what we will become, maybe a vague idea of being international citizens, or citizens of the world, but no country? Full story