Ex-NUS law professor Tey Tsun Hang sentenced to five months jail

Yahoo! News Singapore, 3 Jun 2013
Former National University of Singapore law professor Tey Tsun Hang was sentenced to a total of five months in jail on Monday for the six charges against him in the sex-for-grades case. He was also penalised $514.80 for costs related to the dinner with his former student, Darinne Ko, and the shirts she gave him. Tey earlier said he would be appealing whatever sentence was handed to him.
In sentencing, chief district judge Tan Siong Thye stressed the importance of imposing a deterrent sentence. He rejected the defence's argument that the reputation of NUS was not compromised, saying that "the mere fact that an associate professor was convicted must invariably mean that the reputation of the school has been tarnished".
Bail was set at $150,000. Full story

  1. Singapore Ex-Law Professor Jailed on Corruption Charges - Bloomberg
  2. 5 months' jail for sex-for-grades former law prof - XIN MSN News