OPINION: Singapore's Leash on the International Media

Asia Sentinel, 20 Feb 2013
The FT story was primarily written by Raymond Bonner, a former New York Times staffer with a long and distinguished history of investigative reporting in Asia as well as the US. It was a puzzle to many readers that Bonner's outlet for this story was the FT and not a leading US media such as the New York Times, Bloomberg or the Washington Post.
However, the issue is gradually becomes a little clearer as it is revealed that other news organizations have been sitting on the story for months, cowed into silence for one reason or another.
Reuters news agency followed the FT with its own story but led with a denial by Chinese electronics giant Huawei that it had any dealings with IME and said it had been unable to contact Todd's family for comment on the FT article. However it acknowledged that it had interviewed the family a few weeks after the death and was presented with evidence of cover-up of a murder. Full story