OPINION:SDP trips itself up even before Punggol East starting gun

Yawningbread.wordpress.com, 12 Jan 2013
The Singapore Democratic Party’s (SDP) proposal for “compromise” with the Workers’ Party over a joint candidate for the Punggol East by-election is so ridiculous, some may question whether they have a grasp of reality.
To quote the statement put up on SDP’s website (link):
"In the spirit of compromise and cooperation, we would like to propose that our two parties run a joint campaign and field one candidate from the SDP. If victorious, the SDP candidate will enter Parliament and the WP will run the Punggol East Town Council."
– Press statement by SDP, 11 January 2013
Immediately, they got little else but online flak. Many characterised this idea as one where SDP will get the glory in parliament and WP do all the grunt work.
Did SDP think anyone would take it seriously? Full story

  1. Chee Soon Juan's selfish agenda exposed - here's the proof - Where Bears Roam Free
  2. SDP Shows its Stupid Cards in the By-E Poker - Prata Politics
  3. Letter to SDP: Self first or Nation first? - TR Emeritus
  4. The Main Breaker of Opposition Unity - Singapore Recalcitrant 
  5. Punggol East, a case of wild ambition and rash men - My Singapore News