Rethinking The Rice Bowl, 23 Sep 2012
Recently one of my articles, “Where Have Our Reserves Gone” ( was taken down by TOC without explanation. When I pushed Mr. Pillai for an explanation he said that they had received a phone call from a representative from Temasek Holdings objecting to my use of the word “Ponzi” in relation to the CPF scheme. I then wrote TOC an open letter asking them to provide details of the alleged tip-off as Mr. Pillai put it, and which of the editors they had spoken to (An Open Letter to TOC in Response to Their Removal of My Article “Where Have The Reserves Gone I said there that:
Meanwhile the summary removal of my piece has damaged my reputation
suggesting as it does that I would write material that was defamatory
and untrue. It goes to the heart of my credibility.
This has been reinforced by Mr. Pillai’s actions. Instead of answering the questions that I reasonably posed he has put up some comments on FB that my article is “eraneous (sic) and misleading” because of my allusion to a Ponzi scheme. He also says that “there are other literature to suggest that our reserves are much larger than what they are reported.” Full story