Facebook.com/TharmanShanmugaratnam, 27 Sep 2012
"There are top leaders capable of listening and there are top leaders who still think citizens are simply too naive to understand government's operation. Such condescending attitudes can be epitomized when MP Penny Low goes aroud [sic] the world telling the high platforms that Jack Sim is not a real social entrepreneur because he does not make any money. She said it to INSEAD, to SCHWAB, to WEFORUM and I wonder why the PAP breeds this kind of MP who would prefer to smear her own citizens around the world while I am trying my best to do a decent job. I was once again surprised when I was speaking at Seoul's World Knowledge Forum at the same panel discussion when she suddenly proclaimed to the audience that she was the one who incubated me to becoem [sic] successful. On the one hand, she condemns me and on the other hand, she's claiming credit for my work. This is why PAP really needs to quality control its own selection. It is very upsetting to see your own MP do this to her own citizens. So when they asked me why she is doing that, I could only say this is how my own government treat me after flying the Singapore flag high and proud all over the world. What else can I say?"