Letter: An open letter to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong of Singapore - Human Rights Foundation

Huffington Post, 24 Apr 2012
Dear Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong,
In November of 2011, the Human Rights Foundation invited Dr. Chee Soon Juan — one of your well-known critics and one of Singapore’s most visible opposition leaders — to speak at the 2012 Oslo Freedom Forum, taking place May 7, 8, and 9 in Norway. The forum is an annual gathering for promoting democracy, human rights, and justice.
Yesterday, we learned that Dr. Chee’s application to leave Singapore to participate at the Oslo Freedom Forum was “not approved.” I enclose a copy of an April 10 missive from Lydia Loh of the Insolvency and Public Trustee’s Office — an agency of your government — denying Dr. Chee permission to exit Singapore and travel to Oslo.
Your government’s travel ban on Dr. Chee is but the latest in a series of instances where he has been penalized for criticizing Singapore authorities. Full letter

An Open Letter to Prime Minister Lee Hsein Loong of Singapore - The Daily Caller
Group urges S'pore to lift opposition travel ban - Fox News
Rights group urges Singapore to lift travel ban for opposition leader to attend Norway forum - The Washington Post
NY group asks PM Lee to lift opposition politican’s travel ban - inSing.com