OPINION: My brief take on the 377A Penal Code - Nicole Seah

Facebook, 26 Apr 2011
A number of people have asked me about my stand on Penal Code 377A which criminalises homosexuality, because of the current situation with Vincent SDP.
My personal take on this is very clear. But it is not in line with many parties' stances apart from SDP, because it is a touchy topic. Singaporeans should ask themselves this - Regardless of whether you are homophobic or otherwise, do you think it is right to say that these people have committed a crime, being who they are? Do you think that we need a law to cast a darker shadow over the way they live, in ADDITION to the current stigma that is already prevalent throughout society?
Many have argued that passing such a law will dilute the nuclear family unit. As I mentioned before, reality is not as simple as rhetoric. Item A will give you Item B in a mathematics formula, but reality is such that there are so many other factors at play.
Think about it.
So what is eroding the fabric of society? Is 377A even as big a problem as it is made out to be?
Single mums not being entitled to benefits that nuclear family units have, which may partially contribute to hindering their child's upward mobility in comparison to kids who grow up with better resources. Low-income families, having to wait for 8 months before getting a rental flat in Dakota Crescent, because there is no space and flats originally set aside for low-income families are being leased out to foreigners at a $1500 profit. Exorbitant housing prices, which are deterring young couples from settling down. Bureaucratic red tape and demand outstripping supply that makes it frustrating for young couples to apply for a flat to settle down. I personally know of a couple who had to go through 7 rounds of rejection before getting a flat.
Whether you are a diehard supporter of the current Penal code, or if you buy into the argument that repealing this code will have a direct causal effect to erode the fabric of society, do take some time to think about what you have observed around you as a Singaporean over the past few years.