Temasek to Stick With Ho After Ending Goodyear Hire, 22 Jul 2009, Netty Ismail
July 22 (Bloomberg) -- Five months after Temasek Holdings Pte named its first foreigner as chief executive officer, the collapse of Charles “Chip” Goodyear’s appointment leaves the Singapore state-owned investment fund with Ho Ching at the helm.
“It does raise questions about whether Singapore and Temasek really wanted to take a new direction,” said Brad Setser, a fellow for geoeconomics at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York. “But we won’t know the answer to that until we know who the new leader of Temasek will be and what policies will be put in place.”
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Temasek Scraps Plan for American Chief - DealBook Blog
Goodyear's Singapore sling - Business Spectator
Singapore Temasek, new CEO part over strategy - The Star Online
Temasek about-turn on Goodyear - BusinessDay
At Temasek, a Foreign CEO-to-Be Won't - The Wall Street Journal