The great tap vs bottled water debate - a precursor to a ban on bottled water?

CSR Asia, 14 Jul 2009, Erin Lyon
The Singaporean press and blogs have been hot this past week with a debate about bottled versus tap water. It began with an article by Prof Tommy Koh (chairman of the Asia Pacific Water Forum) and Leong Ching a PhD student at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, where they state they want to start a campaign to get Singaporeans to drink tap water rather than bottled water. They listed the reasons why not - cost and environment basically. This call has ignited a debate in the press about the reasons why Singaporeans should or should not drink 'iced water' (tap water) which include health issues, safety and environment. One blogger has set up a site naming restaurants that won't provided iced water. But the waters are muddy, the environmental debate seems to be getting lost in a blogosphere focussed on cost and whether it's simply being 'cheap' to want iced water. You can't help but wonder whether this debate is a precursor to a ban on bottles in the city state to reduce waste.