"Looking Good For Jesus" Cosmetics Brand Pulled From Stores

12th Feb 2008
Christine Agus Gaylican - Celebrity News Service News Writer

Singapore (CNS) - A cosmetics line called "Looking Good For Jesus" has been pulled from a leading department store in Singapore after Catholic residents protested the marketing gimmick as blasphemous. Reports said the retailing giant Top Shop in the Lion City, which is home to about 4.4 million Christians, had no choice but to clear its shelves of the products.

The makeup line sold items like "Virtuous vanilla" lip balm and a "Get Tight with Christ" hand and body cream, featuring a picture of Jesus Christ between two women.

The Straits Times newspaper quoted a Catholic resident Grace Ong: "Why would anyone use religious figures to promote vanity products? It's very disrespectful and distasteful."

The Wing Tai company, which manages Top Shop said it cleared its shelves of the product so as not to offend customers.
