PM Lee admits simultaneous release of public construction projects are fuelling the need for more foreign construction workers

Question: Lack of foresight?

Yahoo! News Singapore, 29 May 2014
Singapore said Wednesday it would defer about Sg$2 billion ($1.6 billion) worth of government infrastructure projects to slow the intake of migrant labourers amid public concern over immigration in the city-state.
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong told parliament the move was part of measures to limit the inflow of foreign workers to "a level which is sustainable and which we can physically accommodate in Singapore in the long term".
"The private sector, they make their decisions," Lee said.
But "the government, we are a significant part of the construction business, and we ask ourselves which government projects need to be built (and) which projects can be deferred," he said. Full story

PM Lee admits govt lacked foresight - Hardwarezone Forum