SPP: MP Zainudin should apologise for ‘gang rape is democracy’ statement

TR Emeritus, 8 May 2013
SPP Statement:
In Singapore, we aspire to be a nation that is free to consider and tolerate different opinions in business, academic, political and to some extent religious spheres. However we clearly need to avoid outrageously chauvinistic statements that condone rape culture. This is not a tall order, and our leaders should observe this.
I therefore regret that the MP for Bishan-Toa Payoh Mr Zainudin Nordin has reproduced on his Facebook page an abhorent quotation which characterises gang rape as ‘democracy in action’. As a woman and an advocate of democracy, I urge Mr Zainudin to retract his statement and apologise to women in Singapore.
Mrs Lina Chiam, NCMP
Chairman, Singapore People’s Party (SPP)
