The Real Singapore
Before the BE hustings have really taken off, we are hearing from PAP's own mouths the failings of its former and disgraced MP, in areas of municipal estate management. If Palmer is still in charge, we can safely doubt the issues being talked about will be adequately addressed but instead will surely continue to persist.
We have so far hear of some big issues like the stalled work at Sengkang's Rivervale Plaza. After Palmergate we suddenly hear promises made by the PAP's covering MP, Teo Ser Luck, that work will be completed in six months. Now, what was it that Palmer could not do that Ser Luck could? Or, was it something that Palmer did not do, or did not have time to do because of some extra curricular activities?
Apart from Big Noise, we keep hearing about municipal issues which require quick solutions and follow ups. Transport, child care, markets and eateries are some of them. Is the PAP telling voters that it has not done anything about all these all this time? Is it because the disgraced former MP did not have the time and opportunity to raise these issues in parliament because his role in the same parliament is restricted to that of being Speaker? Full story