Private Dominique's mother: MINDEF has breached my trust

The New Paper, 15 Nov 2011
She had gone to Private Dominique Sarron Lee Rui Feng’s grave after the meeting with SAF, where she was told that her son’s officer had breached safety regulations, contributing to his death.
“They not only breached the TSR (Training Safety Regulations), they breached my trust too. When my son went into the army, they promised to keep him safe, but look what happened,” she said in voice that cracked.
Madam Seah's brother, Mr Seah, said: "We still have many unanswered questions and we want to talk to someone from the COI to find out the whole truth.” Full story

  1. Why did Pte Dominique Sarron Lee have to die? - Singapore Notes
  2. Deceased NSF’s mother calls for greater accountability from MINDEF to all Singaporean parents
  3. SAF Sent Letter Asking Dead NSF To Collect His SAF Card - VR Forum