OPINION: Time for govt to show leadership, or admit its incompetence

Sgpolitics.net, 28 Nov 2012

We have the government exhorting Singaporeans not to be xenophobic, but on the other hand, we have a GLC practicing wage discrimination along nationalistic lines in the most blatant fashion. This is sheer hypocrisy.
As it is, bus drivers employed in Singapore already rank lowest among developed countries in terms of pay. Hence, this episode illustrates perfectly well that the huge influx of foreigners is all about giving corporations and GLCs a gold mine of cheap labour at the expense of the livelihoods of Singaporeans.
The impotent National Trade Union Congress (NTUC) also added nothing of substance, apart from rehashing motherhood statements about the need for proper ways of dealing with disagreements or the need to maintain an open line of communication with workers, especially those who are not union members. Full story