NUS students disagree with university's decison to revoke Alvin Tan's scholarship, 15 Nov 2012
Once again, students at the National University of Singapore are crying foul after one of their fellow students saw his scholarship revoked after he participated in posting nude and illicit images of himself and his girlfriend on a sex blog.
The National University of Singapore has terminated sex blogger Alvin Tan’s scholarship over his Internet posts.
For students, however, both male and female, they say the university should respect a person’s decision to do what they want on their own time, whether it is agreeable or not.
“I am not a huge fan of the idea of showing those sex images and talking about my sex life, but it is his right to do so,” said Mark Lee, an undergraduate student at the university. He told that “I am sure the university has allowed people who have done sex tapes into the school and not said anything. They should have stood up for the student, since it didn’t affect his work at the university.” Full story