TOC rebuts Ministry of Manpower on Panasonic Singapore's foreign workers

The Online Citizen, 11 Oct 2012
TOC notes the Ministry of Manpower’s response to our article of 9 October 2012 entitled “Secret tape exposes Panasonic Singapore’s Employement Agent practices” on 10 October 2012 at 7.32 p.m..
TOC regrets that MOM has chosen to take the view that the purpose of our article is to “undermine public confidence” in ongoing MOM investigations into the practice of Employment Agents (EA) overcharging People’s Republic of China (PRC) workers.
Nothing could be further than the truth. It is TOC’s objective to see that the aggrieved PRC workers are fairly treated and any offences against them thoroughly investigated.
Our article was crafted through several direct interviews with affected parties and relates their account of what transpired in the course of the MOM’s investigations.
In this regard, it is unfortunate that MOM has chosen take aim at the messenger instead of dealing with the issue. Full story

MOM staff, getting too comfy in their Herman Miller chairs, took more than one full year to investigate and resolve a simple wage dispute