Did Samsung Service Centre's staff threatened customer with violence?

HWZ Forum, 5 Oct 2012
Went there 3 wks ago to fix some prob with Note 10.1. Their technicians anyhow open it up, made a few deep dents on the silver trimming . So I asked for a one to one exchange. I just went down today, all their 'New' sets are obviously not new as claimed. They are refurbished sets with lots of scratches, dents n marks way worse than my first original set from Starhub with the few deep dents caused by their wonderful Samsung technician. The Filipino female staff claimed they are new sets and then asked her Ah Beng manager wearing some black framed specs called Melvin to come attend to me. He shouted and pointed fingers at me and said they are new. Give ppl refurbished sets still dare to be so rude and yaya. He said 'I give u one more chance, u dun wan than go!' Like as if interrogating a criminal like tat. Later on he brought 1 big grp of his staff out to surround me as he talked. In the end, I took back my my old set with the dents caused by their techinician. Later on, so sway, bumped into him again at Bugis. He threatened and said 'Don't let me see u again at the service center, make sure u die!'. The location I went to was at Orchard Central. Samsung service center's staff there are all very rude and yaya. Technicians not happy to service, make deep dents. After ppl complained, reluctantly offer customers scratched and dented 'new' set for exchange. U think we are fools or what? They caused the problem in the first place and still wanna play punk. Somemore so rude, showing some cb face like as if i very hard up for the exchange. If u never dent my tablet, i also won't want an exchange! In the end i have to take back my first original set and live with the ugly dents forever! Coz doesn't make sense to be intimidated by them to accept their refurbished set that has more faults than my first set. Ppl bringing their equipment down better be carfeful and check before leaving. We didn't pay $100 for a china tablet. Samsung pdts cost a premium these days. Wanna sell at premium price better make sure ur service also up tonstandard. No need act damn polite or what but shouldn't be so full of attitude, rude and yaya to threaten and intimidate ppl. Link

  1. OPINION: Newstead, that ain't no way to treat your customers
  2. Letter writer who complained about Newstead's customer service receives hate mails and racist remarks