Defiant ‘porn’ blogger says he wants to keep doing it

Malaysia Star, 18 Oct 2012
PETALING JAYA: Erotic blogger Alvin Tan Jye Yee wants to continue having “a lot of sex” with partner Vivian Lee and he intends to keep recording the trysts.
He has absolutely no regrets about the furore the sex blog he shared with Lee has caused.
“We're going to stick together and have a lot of sex, and record it too,” he told The Star yesterday.
“My parents aren't really saying much about the morality of it they are more concerned I will be in trouble with the law or my university (National University of Singapore). They aren't saying, oh my gosh, this is so morally shameful,” said Tan. Full story

  1. Woman in sex blog defends postings of explicit pictures with boyfriend - The Malaysian Insider
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