OPINION: Netizen rebuts Lawrence Wong's comments

CNA Forum, 25 Sep 2012
PM Lee wants a 6 million population for Singapore.. There’s a phrase in the Chinese sayings “if you don’t have such big head, then don’t wear such big hat”. It means that don’t do something that you’re are not capable of doing. The current PAP obviously does not have what it takes to run a country of 6 million population. And also this is Singapore, not Hong Kong.
One moment, PAP claimed that due to land scarce, thus nursing home have to build within the heartland(for an example, Bishan). then next moment you claimed that we have more available lands to accommodate up to 6 millions population? If we do have available lands, use it for nursing home since we have an aging population rather than bringing in more foreigners. So why aren’t PAP doing the RIGHT thing?
Singaporeans definitely appreciate how the past PAP has brought us to what we have today. But why are Singaporeans voting AGAINST PAP today? Full story