"Resourceful" Filipino workers at every corner of the globe
Inquirer.net, 28 Aug 2012
MANILA, Philippines—”Napaka-maabilidad. Or, very resourceful, is how some old-timers at the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) and the Overseas Workers Employment Administration (OWWA) describe many overseas Filipino workers, or OFWs who have managed to find employment in at least 201 countries and trust territories worldwide despite the absence of formal labor agreements with the Philippines.
The OFWs include household service workers, or HSWs who can now be found in places as diverse as North Korea, Greenland, Mongolia, Equatorial Guinea, St. Kitts and Nevis, Sao Tome and Principe, Comoros Islands, Montserrat, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde Islands, Netherlands Antilles, Isle of Man, Burundi, Kiribati, Turkmenistan, and St. Pierre and Miquelon, among others. Full story