OPINION: Why I am happy to be a Singaporean - Cheryl Lim

inSing.com, 9 Aug 2102
Singapore has been called “Asia for beginners”, “the little red dot” and even crudely referred to as “a piece of snot”, I kid you not. But name-calling aside, the love-hate relationship with our tiny island will be something many Singaporeans will admit to having.
I'll be the first to admit that our city has its faults - it's too crowded, the trains keep breaking down, there’s too much censorship, the list goes on. But then again, which city doesn't?
So as the population is caught up with venting their frustrations and fighting some of the injustices they see around them, just for today – on the birthday of our country - I would like to count the ways in which I love our little island. Full story