OPINION: Dr Goh Keng Swee Should Pay Khaw Boon Wan A Visit

Soc.Culture.Singapore, 6 Jul 2012
Dr Goh Keng Swee famously chose to walk rather than take a cab to save money. Today, that ethos of thrift and prudent expenditure is but only a distant memory it seems. More details of NParks spendthrift ways came to light in today's report of their purchase of bicycles costing S$2200 apiece for their staff.
Apparently NParks approved the purchase because only one tender submission was received. And Mr Khaw was satisfied with that reason! Has neither Mr Khaw or NParks heard of the concept of a failed tender? Bicycles are not such an exotic product that there is only one supplier available. The correct procedure would have been to call for a re-tender and making sure that at least several potential suppliers are directly informed of the tender. Full story

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