OPINION: Singapore is going to be an uglier, nastier place for our children to live in.

Yahoo! News Singapore, 20 Jul 2012
In yet another worrying sign that Singapore is close to bursting at the seams, an elderly retiree was left with a fractured eye socket after a parking scuffle in a private estate turned ugly.
Frustration, anger, rage, uncivil -- increasingly, these are the ugly emotions that are bubbling forth, online and offline, as Singapore copes with its burgeoning 5.1 million population.
The current Singapore Kindness Movement campaign to inculcate social graces among all living on this island is proving to be an uphill battle.
Latest statistics from SBS Transit revealed that disputes between passengers on SBS buses have risen by 68 per cent in the last two years.
In a thought-provoking opinion piece back in May, Straits Times editor Warren Fernandez challenged the government and policy-makers to come out and say just how many people it thought can live on this island.
6.5 million? Or how about 8 million?
And he is right.
Because no matter how many open spaces or sprawling "green gardens" you plant, if Singapore's infrastructure -- roads, public and private housing, public transport, education system -- cannot cope quickly enough, Singapore is going to be an uglier, nastier place for our children to live in. Full story

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