OPINION: Top 20% income earners, companies, and non-Singaporeans pay 84% of the total taxes in Singapore?

According to Minister Shanmugam the top 20% income earners, companies, and non-Singaporeans pay 84% of the total taxes in Singapore to finance our $52 billion government budget expenditure. The rest pay only 16% of the total taxes.
– Gintai blog, 16 June 2012, My meeting with Minister K Shanmugam Sc, Link
I think when Shanmugam flung those numbers out like so many rose petals at a wedding, he was expecting people to appreciate how the government cares for the “common man”. Perhaps the numbers might blunt some of the criticism that there is not enough redistribution?
It didn’t work on me. His numbers floated in a vacuum. I searched high and low for contextual figures, but found none. Without context, what to make of his numbers? Full story

My meeting with Minister K Shanmugam Sc - Gintai.wordpress.com