OPINION: My faith in all of Singapore Press Holdings has been shaken to the core since STOMPgate - mrbrown

mrbrown.com, 26 Jun 2012
My faith in the journalistic integrity of STOMP, nay, all of Singapore Press Holdings, has been shaken to the core since STOMPgate. How will I ever trust local mainstream media or mainstream-media-backed citizen journalism EVER AGAIN? How will I ever know if the photo of an open MRT door or the blurry photo of an unidentified object with blinky lights flying over Bukit Batok is really the truth?
You don't want people to call STOMP, "Straits Times Ownself Manufacture Photos", do you?
I am glad that SPH found a lowly employee to fire so that Management and the editorial leadership above her were not hurt by her lies and poor journalistic practices. The nation would never recover from such a blow if senior people had to be accountable every time one of their junior staff did something wrong.
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Singapore online portal found posting false information - Global Voices