OPINION: Don't Insult Hougang Residents

Singapore Notes, 12 May 2012
For two decades Hougang had to put up with second class treatment, sand was kicked into their faces by the bully on the beach. They were perennially placed at the bottom of the list when it came to Lift Upgrading Programs (LUP), projects financed by public money, not the private coffers of the incumbent political party.
Hougang is living proof that Singaporeans can carry on without the presence of the bully boys. Its 37,407 residents go to work, raise children, take care of their elders and serve NS, all without having to bow and scrape to the white attired. Sure they had to walk the extra kilometer, heads held high, after their wet market was bulldozed to the ground, but their families need not starve. Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche was right when he said what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Full story