Welfare club's volunteer gets the silent treatment from Desmond Choo and PM Lee; feedback to REACH forum removed.


My posting on Desmond Choo’s Facebook on 30 Mav 2012
Jane Lim : Hi Mr. Choo, I have not receive your email reply on the Police Report No. A/20120523/2006. I wonder did I send to the correct email address? Await for your reply. Thank you. Your reply and clarification into this matter is very important. .....Full email

My Posting on PM’s Lee Facebook on 22 May 2012 (no any response yet)
Jane Lim : ‎19-5-2012 2.30PM-4.30PM, 我和义工们在Hougang Blk2 楼下办活动,这是一个由义工和善心人士自己发起的独立活动, 取名快乐天使,是因为我希望看到来参与活动的老人家,都能够像快乐天使一样,那么,在他们回去之后,也把快乐带给家人,邻居或朋友,让全新加坡的老人家都成为快乐天使,到时候,我们高兴看到快乐天使满街是……而不是一再听到老人家说:我老了,没有用了…….. Full posting

My post of the Police Report on ZaoBao forum and REACH have been removed.
—– Original Message —–
To: Jane Lim
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2012 3:01 PM
Subject: Feedback provided on discussion thread “Police Report No. A/20120523/2006″
Dear Jane,

Thank you for your email and post on the REACH Discussion Forum. We are sorry to hear of your experience.
We have consulted our Legal, and as we understand that your post titled “Police Report No. A/20120523/2006″ on 25 May 2012, 2.00AM may be potentially defamatory, we have removed it from our Forum. Nevertheless, we value your feedback and have kept the relevant agencies informed.
We thank you for your valuable contributions and feedback to REACH, and look forward to your further participation on REACH.


Welfare group volunteer alleged misreporting by LianHe Zaobao reporter - Happyangelclub.wordpress.com