PAP's Tin Pei Ling claims "honest mistake" for snide remarks made about Nicole Seah on her facebook

Temasek Review, 6 May 2011
RE: Tin Pei Ling admits ‘honest mistake’: It was my admin who posted snide remark about Nicole Seah
Embattled PAP newbie candidate for Marine Parade GRC Tin Pei Ling has ‘clarified’ to Channel News Asia that she was not the person who posted snide remarks about her opponent Nicole Seah on her Facebook page on ‘Cooling off’ day.
A moniker showing the Ms Tin’s photo posted a comment about Nicole’s weeping on TV when she spoke about the plight of a woman whose 80 dollar tuition fee was not refunded by a PAP kindergarten:

[Source: Hardwarezone]
”OooOooOoooh so that’s REALLY what happened? Wow, I think tears in parliament is worse than ANYTHING ELSE!”
Ms Tin deleted her callous comment a few minutes later, but a snapshot of it was taken by netizens and posted below:
1. Stuart Phoon’s Facebook
2. 3in1kopitiam
3. Hardwarezone
Ms Tin claimed that it was one of her administrators, “Denise He” who made the post:
She wanted to post the comment in her personal capacity, and she was using her mobile phone. But she didn’t realise that she had inadvertently posted as my profile rather than her own … It was an honest mistake.”
A quick check on Facebook revealed only one “Denise He” with no photos or friends and so far, no netizen has come forward to confirm the identity of “Denise He”.
Furthermore, if the message was indeed posted using a mobile phone, the words “x minutes ago via iPhone or Facebook mobile” should appear at the end of the comment which was not found in Ms Tin’s comment above:

An irate netizen by the name of Tan Yu Xing has lodged an official complaint to the Election Department which said it would ‘look into the matter.’
Under the Parliamentary Election Act, “publication and display of election advertising (including on the Internet and by SMSes/MMSes)… not already lawfully displayed or published before the start of Cooling-off Day.” is not allowed on cooling-off day.
In January 2010, YPAP leader posted a callous remark on the YPAP Facebook slamming netizens for “slapping on the government senselessly” because they did not get “any fruits of benefits” from their forefathers. He later claimed that his Facebook was ‘hacked’ and lodged a police report. (read here)
Whether or not it was indeed Ms Tin who posted the comment, she has to take responsibility for it and apologized to Nicole since it was posted on her Facebook and viewed by many netizens whose perception of Nicole may be changed as a result.

Tin Pei Ling is the ONLY approved moderator of her Facebook as declared on her ‘Election Advertising’ form - Temasek Review
Tin Pei Ling's Declaration Form to the Election Dept declaring that she is the only moderator for her facebook -