Asia Sentinel, 12 Apr 2011
Rupert Murdoch bought the Wall Street Journal. Is Singapore Inc quietly buying the Financial Times?
It may seem that way judging from the 44-page insert that FT subscribers got with their morning edition on April 11 as the vaunted paper threw principles to the wind in what will surely be a boost to owner Pearson Plc.'s bottom line.
The impressive-looking, perfect-bound 44-page insert entitled "Fuelling a Smart Energy Economy" was not your usual advertising supplement, clearly delineated as such and not associated with normal editorial content.
This one crossed what journalistic ethics generally considers a strict "firewall" separating advertising and editorial. Leading the various contributions espousing the merits of Singapore as both a leader in green and smart energy use and a hub for the advanced energy industry was a lead article by the FT's own environment correspondent, Fiona Harvey. Her article followed directly on from an introduction by the head of the Energy Market Authority of Singapore, Lawrence Wong. FT writer Peter Shadbolt also contributed. Full story
Buying Good Press in Singapore - The Jakarta Globe