Suspected Pirates Board Singapore-Registered LPG Vessel off Kenyan Coast

Bloomberg, 24 Oct 2010
A Singapore-registered liquefied petroleum gas vessel was boarded by suspected pirates about 90 nautical miles from Mombasa, Kenya, the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore said in a statement today. The vessel York, owned by York Maritime Co. Ltd, was on its way to Mahe, Seychelles from Mombasa when boarded, the port authority said. Full story

Somali pirates hijack LPG tanker, 17 crew - Reuters
Somali pirates seize Singaporean vessel - Press TV
Pirates hijack ship near Kenyan coast -
Somali Pirates Seize Tanker With 17 Crew -
Greek tanker seized off Kenya by Somali pirates - Xinhua
Pirates hijack tanker with German captain - The Local
Singapore Says Tanker Seized By Pirates Off Kenya - NPR

Pirates seize Greek tanker off Kenya: Greek coastguard - MSN Philippines News
Pirates Hijack Singapore LPG Vessel -
Pirates Hijack Singapore Ship near Kenyan Coast -
Singapore says pirates seized liquefied gas tanker off Kenya coast with 17 crew on board - The Canadian Press
Pirates seize gas tanker off Kenyan, 17 crew on board - Hindustan Times
Pirates hijack LPG tanker -
Singapore says tanker seized by pirates off Kenya - The Seattle Times
Pirates seize Greek tanker off Kenya - officials -
Singapore says tanker seized by pirates off Kenya - San Francisco Chronicle
Pirates seize gas tanker off Kenya, 17 crew on board - Summary - Earth Times
Pirates Hijack Singapore LPG Vessel - Malaysian Digest
Somali pirates hijack LPG tanker, German master - Malaysia Star
Pirates hijack tanker off east Africa - RTE News
Pirates hijack Singapore LPG vessel off Kenya - New Straits Times
Singaporean ship seized by Somali sea pirates has 2 Ukrainian crewmembers - ITAR-TASS
Somali pirates seize tanker with 14 Filipino seamen - GMANews.TV
EU naval force confirms hijack of Singapore-flagged vessel - People's Daily Online
Pirates attack Singapore LPG tanker near Kenyan port - portworld
Somali pirates hijack two ships over weekend - Reuters Africa