ACTA - Secret Copyright Treaty Draft Leaked After Washington Talks

PCWorld Business Center, 7 Sep 2010
In its latest draft, ACTA appears to have gained a preamble in which the parties to the treaty set out broad principles including their desire "to address the problem of copyright or related rights infringement which takes place by means of digital networks in a manner that balances the rights of the relevant right holders, online service providers and users of those networks."
However, a footnote then warns that negotiators will modify this worthy paragraph to ensure it conforms to the text agreed for Article 2.18, Enforcement in the Digital Environment, rather than the other way around.
Drafts of the treaty have leaked out after most of the negotiating rounds, despite U.S. insistence that the text remain under wraps until it is finished. Most of the other parties to the treaty have been pushing for more openness. Other parties to the negotiations include Australia, Canada, the European Union, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore and Switzerland. Full story

ACTA Draft Removes Clause Forcing ISPs to Become Copyright Police - ISPreview
Secret draft of ACTA treaty published online - Computerworld Blogs